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Eephant Joy the best elephant sancuary Jaipur, India is a fantastic way for you to get hands on experience and make a real difference to the lives of our elephants. Experience the most authentic, dedicated elephant sanctuary in India, dedicated to conserving elephants. You can learn about their basic habits of food, life and traditional way of communicating. 
People from Elephant Joy is engaged with elephant by birth not by profession. Our family have been taking care of elephants since many generations. many people from all over the world visited us and had once in a lifetime experience with us. thus with the time and suggestions from friends and guests,  we have created this experience for people who want to be a Mahout(Rider) of a beautiful and gentle animal. 
You will be enjoying with the biggest but the most gentle animal in the world. By learning to take care of them, feeding, watering and bathing you will have a chance to create your own bond with them. Their individuality will teach you about how important it is to contribute to their survival.










A word from Owner

Dear Guests, 

We are a little upset to put this on our website but it came to our notice that many people at Elephant Village and other places are using our name and charging our guests.  Some Drivers and Tour guides are taking people to different places where they pretend to be Elephant Joy and drivers and guides are getting  commissions.

So please double check with prices and the places you are visiting be sure you meet me at farm. 

thanks for reading this.                      Jamil : Founder Elephant Joy

Elephant bathing

Note:  You Need to Book us in Advance 

bareback riding

Introduction & Elephant Language

Everything begins with introduction! At the very instant you meet an elephant you have to let him/her catch your smell, that is how they know you. After that you need to comfort the elephant by stroking on trunk and talking at the same time. The contact here we are talking about is more spiritual than physical let the elephant feel your positive energy. 

The most astonishing thing here is that to communicate with elephants there is a certain language that they understand very well.We teach you some basics of this language so that you can communicate to elephants yourself. 

Elephant stroking
Elephant feeding
Take A walk with Elephants

 Every elephant needs to walk at least 8 kilometers as they have very poor digestion system so it's always better for them to take walk. Taking an elephant for a walk is a lot different . Elephants may feel better and better connected with a person if you take them for a walk. 


FOOD!! To tell you elephants love this part especially when the see bananas.The next Favorite in the list is Sugarcane. Elephants can eat continuously for hours!! yes they have a big appetite. At our farm we'll give you information on what and how we feed them what all special herbs we give them to beat the heat. 










best elephant place in Jaipur
Elephant bathing

The day of elephants begins with a shower by their respective Rider[Mahawat or Mahout].Later when you will paint them you can give them a bath and get more close to them. you will be very surprise that they love to get a bath. 










Note: Washing in winter season (November to March) is not possible as Elephants can get cold very Fast

Things To Do

A Day With An Elephant

One day with an Elephant is a unique and heart melting experience, that we have put together with love. It’s a activity with elephants which is quite special and we are sure you would not have experienced like this before. You will experience a warm interaction with elephants stroking and talking to them while looking in the eyes.

We have these activities at our farm in elephant village that you would experience.

Lovely Walk

Lovely Walk

Take your elephants for a walk

Elephant bathing

Elephant bathing

Give your elephant a nice bath so, It can remember you for a long long time.

Feeding elephant

Feeding elephant

Well, The way to the heart goes from the stomach


Please feel free to write us your concern or questions, We are always happy to assist you :)

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 Visit or Meet us at:

Elephant Joy

Thathar, Amer,  


Opening Hours 

Monday To Friday - 09:30 pm - 06:00 pm

Saturday & Sunday - 9:00 pm to 06:00 pm 

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Phone:- +919887240444



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